class de hamster:
*golden hamster= (candle)
Throughout the time numerous they have been the hámster that I have taken as friends.
First, Tiana and Onyx, followed(consecutive) by Taliesina; Kunta and Terissa, the latter came to us with a surprise transformed into 6 babies who saw the light in house: two died within a few hours of being born and other one within a few days. They remained 3: Kuntina, Squirrel and Pintina. And of these two still(yet) I remember(remind) his(her,your) relation of inseparable sisters, so(then,since) to him the hour(o'clock) comes to the second one, the first one he(she) died of a sorrow(sentence)...

*dmarf hamster=(erupeo)The European hamster, or common hamster (Cricetus cricetus), is a hamster of big height (from 20 to 27 cm of length and an average weight that ranges between 220 and 460 g), a jigante in comparison with other hamsters of company.
Many years ago I read on a hamster that was almost of the size of a cobaya, and that nowadays is on the verge of extinction... The text was calling it A Golden Hamster but I have just found information for the network(net) and they are called it A Hamster of European field.
*chinesa hamster=(zungaria)The Chinese hamster is one of the smallest of the species(kind) sinc

The principal characteristic of the Chinese hamster is undoubtedly the hair, since the same one possesses a silky structure but simultaneously very dense, whose(which) color is gray, very similar to that of mouse.
*fiels hamster=Field hamsters rarely are seen in sale, a few porqué do not please very much for the tail longer that other hamsters and that of field for his(her,your

*hamster roborovski= With his(her,your) 7 to 9 cms. of length of head and body, Roborowski's dwarf hamster is the smallest of all. His(her,your) colita only measures 1 cm. Scanty and for it almost it(he,she) does not stand out of the hair, since also it is the case in Zungaria's dwarf hamster. For this reason both qualify in the kind(genre) Phodopus or of dwarf hamster

The back of Roborowski's dwarf hamster is from dun yellowish color to dun reddish, with a bit of grey in the center of the head and of the back. On the eyes he(she) presents a small white spot, as on both sides of his(her,your) snout. The edges of the ears also are white, as the abdomen and the feet. The eyes of this species(kind) are particularly big.
*hamster siberiano=One of the biggest problems that we have in Spain is that we have to the same hamster being commercialized by two names " Russian and Siberian ", but they are the same or simply hybrids of Russian and campbell, I will make clear to you for that. In Europa's countries of the East to the Russian / Siberian hamsters they
are called them Russian Hamsters, nevertheless in the USA they are called them a white(target) I hibernate, and of here the confusions come since in all the Spanish books that we have on the market to the Siberian hamsters they are called them hamsters white winter or of Zungaria, which happens is that in a site(place) the same hamster has the common name of Russian hamster and in other one of white hamster I hibernate, and of here the confusions come.

*hamster angora= Everything began with a class of us, the Syrian, or golden hamster, of hair color I pray and big black eyes. Though we are many(many people) of this species
(kind), also it(he,she) is of different. At present we can have many basic colors, from the white albino, with pink eyes, up to the black, which we are known by the clear areas about our eyes, nose and legs.
Let's begin for the race that it are I, a Syrian hamster. My hair is short. The base of my hair is of a dark blue - black; the intermediate cap of hair is brown or golden; and the tops of most of the hair of us it(she) is black. Besides these three different colors, we can have in the abdomen a light gray hair with a few white spots.

Let's begin for the race that it are I, a Syrian hamster. My hair is short. The base of my hair is of a dark blue - black; the intermediate cap of hair is brown or golden; and the tops of most of the hair of us it(she) is black. Besides these three different colors, we can have in the abdomen a light gray hair with a few white spots.
*hamster ruso=The Russian hámsteres are managing to be increasingly available as domestic animals in any specializing shop. Let's say that I have written the page with help of everything what I have read in diverse sites(places) of the web, books and especially, 12 years of experience with these charming little animals. The Russian hamster (this way called in Spain) is know
n scientific as Phodopus Sungorus. In other countries it can be called also Siberian hamster (Siberian Hamster) and Russian white winter hamster (Winter White Hamster).
I owe my gratefulness to Marta Avanzi since thanks to his(her,your) book and his(her,your) assent, part(report) of the information of this page was gathered in his(her,your) day by her(it) itself.

I owe my gratefulness to Marta Avanzi since thanks to his(her,your) book and his(her,your) assent, part(report) of the information of this page was gathered in his(her,your) day by her(it) itself.
*hamster campebbell=The hamster Campbell (Phodopus campbelli) unlike the Russian hamster possesses principal characteristics that are his(her,your) size, quantity of hair in the legs (That enclosed him(her) origin gave to the name of dwarf hamster of piés shaggy), little marked stop sign and form of the ears (Clear, considering to the hybrids it becomes more difficult). T
his hamster unlike the Russian (Phodopus sungorus) has major trend to be pacific (Even between(among) congéneres, clear that it does not suppose that in captivity really(exactly) it will be sure, simply it is a thing of probability and not of an affirmation).

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