Friday, September 25, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009

class de hamster:
*golden hamster= (candle)
Throughout the time numerous they have been the hámster that I have taken as friends.
First, Tiana and Onyx, followed(consecutive) by Taliesina; Kunta and Terissa, the latter came to us with a surprise transformed into 6 babies who saw the light in house: two died within a few hours of being born and other one within a few days. They remained 3: Kuntina, Squirrel and Pintina. And of these two still(yet) I remember(remind) his(her,your) relation of inseparable sisters, so(then,since) to him the hour(o'clock) comes to the second one, the first one he(she) died of a sorrow(sentence)...

*dmarf hamster=(erupeo)The European hamster, or common hamster (Cricetus cricetus), is a hamster of big height (from 20 to 27 cm of length and an average weight that ranges between 220 and 460 g), a jigante in comparison with other hamsters of company.
Many years ago I read on a hamster that was almost of the size of a cobaya, and that nowadays is on the verge of extinction... The text was calling it A Golden Hamster but I have just found information for the network(net) and they are called it A Hamster of European field.
*chinesa hamster=(zungaria)The Chinese hamster is one of the smallest of the species(kind) sinc

The principal characteristic of the Chinese hamster is undoubtedly the hair, since the same one possesses a silky structure but simultaneously very dense, whose(which) color is gray, very similar to that of mouse.
*fiels hamster=Field hamsters rarely are seen in sale, a few porqué do not please very much for the tail longer that other hamsters and that of field for his(her,your

*hamster roborovski= With his(her,your) 7 to 9 cms. of length of head and body, Roborowski's dwarf hamster is the smallest of all. His(her,your) colita only measures 1 cm. Scanty and for it almost it(he,she) does not stand out of the hair, since also it is the case in Zungaria's dwarf hamster. For this reason both qualify in the kind(genre) Phodopus or of dwarf hamster

The back of Roborowski's dwarf hamster is from dun yellowish color to dun reddish, with a bit of grey in the center of the head and of the back. On the eyes he(she) presents a small white spot, as on both sides of his(her,your) snout. The edges of the ears also are white, as the abdomen and the feet. The eyes of this species(kind) are particularly big.

Let's begin for the race that it are I, a Syrian hamster. My hair is short. The base of my hair is of a dark blue - black; the intermediate cap of hair is brown or golden; and the tops of most of the hair of us it(she) is black. Besides these three different colors, we can have in the abdomen a light gray hair with a few white spots.

I owe my gratefulness to Marta Avanzi since thanks to his(her,your) book and his(her,your) assent, part(report) of the information of this page was gathered in his(her,your) day by her(it) itself.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Pet Care
It is also a good playmate for children because it lacks aggressiveness. The challenge will be to choose the ideal mouse of all races that are sold in pet shops.
The most common is the golden or Syrian, which often lead the rest. Hamsters are also brown, mottled or cream. Among the most prized are the albino mouse and the black, the latter rather difficult to find. The Syrian hamster is the easiest to care, so it is highly recommended for first-time or for children.
When you go to buy
Once in the store, will have to pay attention to the appearance of the mouse, which is indicative of their health. A healthy hamster has to move with agility and some nerve, always attentive to the environment. Its coat should be fluffy and uniform, while his eyes should be dark and bright.
We must reject a hamster to react weak and lethargic display. Also, beware of copies thin, with hair clipped to the anal or balls made in the back. Discard those showing wet glue, swelling or impurities in the mouth, legs, ears or nose and mouth too dry or wet.
It is normal that some have certain packages in the hips or certain pigmented areas. However, there may be a tumor in the case that packages are asymmetrical and very large.
Alone or in company
Hamsters, although they live happiest in the company of others of their species, they adapt easily to solitude. Still, it is recommendable juguetesen the cage, for example, a wheel, so that the rodent entertainment. If you finally decide to have a single copy, the ideal is to buy a male, since they are of better character than females.
If you opt for a partner, you must be aware of the drawbacks rodents breed very easily and also very quickly. Moreover, during the mating season the male is at risk, so it will be necessary to keep him away from the female in a separate cage.
Male or female?
It is very important to distinguish a male from a female, not only by the difference in his temperament, but also by the problems that lead to choose a male-female couple instead of two males. To distinguish a male from a female mouse, there are two formulas.
The first one is unreliable because it is completely subjective. Lies in observing the shape of the male, seen from behind, will be similar to a pear. The second is more complex but more effective: genital examination. Males have two openings (anus and penis) and females three (urinary papilla, anus and vagina).
Tips and complaints
The age of a hamster is a determining factor when buying it, due to their short life expectancy, about three years. It is preferable to take home a young mouse, the more the better. It is convenient and easy to know the signs that indicate the age of a rodent. First, a hamster youth must fit in the palm of the hand. Then, looking behind her ears, which have to be flexible, must observe a thin layer of hair. And finally, your teeth should be fine, sharp and very white.
Once home, do not worry if the animal spends most of the day sleeping, it is common. However, there are a number of symptoms that can result in disease. Secretions from nose or eyes are never good signs, and so does the humidity of the tail. We must urgently inform the vet if the mouse has scabs of blood in his ears, spots on the belly and sparse fur.
my pet

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Height at shoulder: approximately 51 cm
Weight: about 23 kg
Color: brown and white, black and white, both colors with or without spots of fire
Average life: between twelve and fourteen
Character: lively and docile
Relationship with children: Excellent
Relationship with other dogs: very good
Talents: the part and looking up in the bush, good land and water collector
Needs of space necessary garden
Arrangement: essentially regular brushings
Maintenance Cost: medium
Overall Classification: Large breeds of dogs
Classification according to the AKC: Group 1: Pointing Dogs
Classification according to FCI: Group 8: retriever hunting dogs and hunting dogs lifters water> Flushing Dogs
The name of the English Springer Spaniel (English Springer) comes from the English spring (jump) that refers to the action of the dog jumping on the game to lift.
It is known that the England of the Middle Ages and the Spaniels ran. These dogs were used in feathered game and played all kinds of activities in each of the phases (lifting, charge ...). In the nineteenth century with the emergence of cinología, experts began to change the structure of these dogs and adapted for specific tasks.
The English Springer is happy, active, enthusiastic, obedient and sociable. It is easy to train and control, intelligent and quickly assimilated orders. It's quiet at home, quite close to his master and takes wonderful with children. It's a strong dog who enjoys exercise and games. Not aggressive or dominant, it serves as a watchdog.
The English Springer Spaniel is a compact dog, short back, straight and strong limbs. Her almond eyes and ears are long and pendulous. He used to cut the tail to third. It has abundant hair on the ears, chest, tail and the abdomen. The rest of the body is covered by a medium-long hair (straight or wavy). His coat can be black or liver with white markings, white with black spots or liver color, tricolor, blue or liver roan.
Specific care
The English Springer puppy is very greedy and prone to obesity during growth must be controlled to procure their food and exercise regularly.
As with all breeds of floppy ears, you should check your ears often to check that you are not infected.
By having medium-long hair needs regular brushing.
The English Springer Spaniel is prone to hip dysplasia, the ear problems and eye problems.
The Comparative Form With The Animal And The Pets jejeejejje

1.My hamster is smallest than the dog
2.My hamster is biggest than the ant
3.The dog is more expensive then my hamster
5.My hamster is cutest than the lion
6.The hamster as small as mouse
7.The hamster is more suft than the snake
8.The tiger is more strong than the hamster
9.The hamster is the most beautiful mouse in the world
10.The hamster is small, the cockroach is smaller and the ant is smallest
Hamsters are crepuscular. In the wild, they burrow underground in the daylight to avoid being caught by predators. Their diet contains a variety of foods, including dried food, berries, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables. In the wild they will eat any wheat, nuts and small bits of fruit and vegetables that they might find lying around on the ground, and will occasionally eat small insects such as small fruitflies or mealworms. They have elongated fur-lined pouches on both sides of their heads that extend to their shoulders, which they stuff full of food to be stored, brought back to the colony or to be eaten later.
Although the Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) was first described scientifically in 1839, it was not until 1930 that researchers were able to successfully breed and domesticate hamsters.[2] Pet Syrian hamsters are descended from hamsters first found and captured in Syria by zoologist Israel Aharoni.[3]
Hamster behaviour can vary depending on their environment, genetics, and interaction with people. Because they are easy to breed in captivity, hamsters are often used as lab animals in more economically developed countries. Hamsters have also become established as popular small pets.[2]
The best-known species of hamster is the Syrian or Golden Hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), which is the type of hamster most commonly kept as a pet. It is also sometimes called a "fancy" hamster. Pet stores also have taken to calling them "honey bears," "panda bears," "black bears," "European black bears," "polar bears," "teddy bears," and "Dalmatian", depending on their coloration. There are also several variations, including long-haired varieties that grow hair several centimeters long and often require special care. British zoologist Leonard Goodwin claimed that most hamsters kept in the United Kingdom were descended from the colony he introduced for medical research purposes during the Second World War.[7]
A Russian dwarf hamsterOther hamsters that are kept as pets are the four species of "dwarf hamster". Campbell's Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus campbelli) is the most common of the four — they are also sometimes called "Russian Dwarfs"; however, many hamsters are from Russia, and so this ambiguous name does not distinguish them from other species appropriately. The coat of the Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) turns almost white during winter (when the hours of daylight decrease).[2] The Roborovski Hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) is extremely small and fast, making it difficult to keep as a pet.[1] The Chinese Hamster (Cricetulus griseus), although not technically a true "dwarf hamster", is the only hamster with a prehensile tail (about 4 cm long) — most hamsters have very short, non-prehensile tails.
Many breeders also show their hamsters and so breed towards producing a good healthy show hamster with a view to keeping one or two themselves so quality and temperament are of vital importance when planning the breeding. Although breeders of show hamsters specialise in breeding show hamsters, there are also owners who have bred their pet hamsters. These may be the result of a planned or unplanned pregnancy but the hamsters have usually been cared for well and handled regularly, so make very suitable pets. Buying a hamster directly from a breeder means that there is the opportunity to see the parents and know the dates of birth.
In Australia and New Zealand it is illegal to keep hamsters as pets as 'escapees' could breed in the wild and become 'feral' pest animals

Hamster, common name applied to several species of rodent. They are characterized by pockets on each cheek, also called abazones, used to store food, have a dense, soft fur and stocky body with short legs and tail. One species can measure 30 centimeters, Hamsters live in burrows underground composed of several chambers, one is used as a storehouse for food, consisting mainly of cereal grains. Sometimes these animals are serious pests for agriculture. Hamsters hibernate during the winter, but usually wake up to eat the food stored. Another chamber of the burrow is used as a nest and the female gives birth to her several times a year, a litter of up to 18 pups. Young hamsters are weaned at two or three weeks, and shortly after leaving their parents and build their own burrows. In some places they eat their meat and fur of some species is used as a lining for coats.
The range of hamsters extends throughout Eurasia and the steppes, plains and deserts of Central Asia. The hamster is a highly esteemed species, it is used in medical research and as a pet. In 1956, it was discovered that hamsters could also contract the disease common cold. This discovery was of great importance in investigating the virus that causes it in humans.
There are 24 races that are:
Cricetus cricetus / European Hamster
Syrian hamster / hamster gold
Mesocricetus brandti / turkish hamster
Mesocricetus newtoni / Hamster roman
Mesocricetus raddel / hamster Ciscaucasia
Phodopus sungorus sungorus / Hamster Siberian / White winter
Phodopus sungorus Campelli / Russian Hamster
Phodopus campbelli / campbell hamster
Phodopus hamster / hamster roborowski
Cricetulus alticola / Hamster of Ladak
Cricetulus barabensis / Chinese Striped Hamster
Cricetulus curtatus / Mongolian Hamster
Cricetulus eversmanni / Eversmann's hamster
Cricetulus griseus / Chinese hamster
Cricetulus kamensis / Tibetan Hamster
Cricetulus longicaudatus / lesser long-tailed hamster
Migratorius Cricetulus griseus / Hamster Armenian
Cricetulus migratorius migratorius / Hamster Armenian or gray hamster migrator
Cricetulus triton / greater long-tailed hamster
Cricetulus obscurus
Cricetulus pseudogriseus
Calomyscus bailwardi / hamster-mouse
Baluchi Calomyscus
Calomyscus mystax
Calomyscus urartensis
Cansumys canus
Tailed Rat / Hamster South African
Publicado por mateo gonzalez en 7:43 0 comentarios
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Publicado por mateo gonzalez en 7:32 0 comentarios
Publicado por mateo gonzalez en 7:29 0 comentarios
Publicado por mateo gonzalez en 7:25 0 comentarios
THE HAMSTER ANGORA Hamsters are a variation angora coat of golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) hamsters this variety has long, silky hair, comes in many colors, colors such as silver, silver, cream, gold, satin, champagne, albino etc.. Principally this variety is somewhat limited in some areas, are also for exhibitions, in some countries become beauty contests with these hamsters also require hair care, at least brush with a natural bristle brush or a coarse-toothed comb 1 time per day and to keep hair healthy and free of knots. these hamsters also are known by more names, for example angora hamster, teddy hamster, teddy, etc.. This variety is also very similar to teddy hamsters, so they also baptized with the name "Teddys" in addition to their teddy bear face. It has quickly overcome initial misgivings, especially aggressive with other varieties of hamsters, but if the owner is quite docile, although there may be some exceptions, the owner is bone with a hamster hamsters Bonachon but with other aggressive, they can not coexist couple.
Hamsters In The House

The care of all pet hamsters is fundamentally similar, but there are differences in food and shelter needs. The dwarf hamsters are sociable, and it is preferable to have them in cages along with at least one partner of the same gender to avoid problems of loneliness. Golden hamsters, however, are extremely territorial and will fight with any other hamster who lives in the same cage, even to kill each other. Chinese hamsters can be housed in pairs or groups, but require a relatively roomy cage to live peacefully. Although they are very placid nature, Chinese hamster females tend to become aggressive to any male who shares the same cage when they are common preñadas.Nombre various rodent from 20 to 30 cm long, with solid and stout body, snout flat, small ears and tail and short legs.
The English Springer Spaniel represents perhaps the greatest divergence between working and show lines of any breed of dog. A field-bred dog and a show-bred dog appear to be different breeds, but are registered together. In fact, the gene pools are almost completely segregated and have been for at least 70 years. A field bred dog would not be even remotely competitive in a modern dog show while a show dog would be unlikely to have the speed or stamina to succeed in a field trial.
Field-bred dogs tend to have shorter, coarser coats than the show-bred dogs, which should have longer fur. They normally only shed in summer and spring months, but shed occasionally in the autumn.
The coat comes in black or liver (dark brown) with white markings or predominantly white with black or liver markings; Blue or liver roan; Tricolour: black and white or liver and white with tan markings, usually found on eyebrows, cheeks, inside of ears and under the tail.
Males in the show dog line average approximately 18–20 inches (46–51 cm) at the withers and weigh on average 50–55 lb (23–25 kg). According to the UK (FCI) Breed Standard, the English Springer Spaniel should be 20 inches (51 cm) at the withers. The females should be 17–19 inches (43–48 cm) and usually 35–45 lb (16–20 kg). Working types can be lighter in weight and finer in bone.
The typical Springer is friendly, eager to please, quick to learn and willing to obey. The Springer is an affectionate and easy-going family dog, and its alertness and attentiveness make it the ideal hunting companion.
The Springer Spaniel is a hunting dog. We used to hunt birds and rabbits, and its main usefulness of the dam dog lifter.

the hamsters are rodents no are mouse are diferend species because the mouse has a pointy nose and the hamsters is very curve the species of hamster are in overall 24 an of they are the hamster gold , chinese , among others the hamster are very funny because when they run but the wheel will stop spinning they are of very company for is sad what live alone two years the hamsters babies are very uglys and bald for large are very tender.
I do not have pets:
I had a dog named Cinnamon, but to many injuries and we had to give, she was very playful and very tender. It was bred cocker spaniel.